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7 Pre-Hiring Tips for Virtual Assistant Service in Australia

When you find a virtual assistant service in Australia can be a daunting task. The chances of finding a competent and professional VA in Australia are slim. This is because the cost of hiring a virtual assistant is higher than in other countries. So, a lot of business owners turn to virtual assistant services that hire remote workers in countries like the Philippines (just like we do at Level Up Outsourcing) as there are tons of advantages when it comes to hiring Filipino virtual assistants.

There are heaps of virtual assistant service Australia providers but, before you go ahead with the process of getting started with a VA, here are 7 Things to Know BEFORE you Hire a Virtual Assistant Service Australia

7 Pre-Hiring Tips for Virtual Assistant Service in Australia

1: Be sure you need a virtual assistant

Sometimes, you may think you need a virtual assistant, but in reality, you don’t. This is why it’s very important to conduct proper research to determine before reaching out to any virtual assistant service Australia provider to determine whether it is the right choice for your company. You should make sure you identify the responsibilities of the job well and remember that hiring someone remote means relinquishing direct managerial control.

You need to ask yourself the following questions:

Are there enough routine tasks to keep a virtual assistant busy? 

Are there enough other things you could be doing to make it worth it?

Do some due diligence and make sure you NEED a VA before you hire one- but how do you know?

You need a virtual assistant if you feel overwhelmed with your daily tasks and feel like your business is stuck because you are so stuck working IN the business that you can’t work ON the business. 

2: You MUST set up your systems before you reach out to a virtual assistant service

It’s important to set up your systems before you start outsourcing a virtual assistant service Australian provider. The last thing you want is to work with a VA who doesn’t understand your workflow, so it’s crucial to decide what tasks you want them to do for you, and what you will take care of yourself. Decide what type of tasks you will be delegating, and how you can interact with your VA. The easiest way to do this is to create an Excel file with the general idea of the tasks.

Even the best virtual assistant from the top-notch virtual assistant service in Australia needs a workflow to follow, or they’ll never do the work exactly the way you want it. Set up a system and learn it yourself first, instead of having to cobble something together once you’re already paying for a virtual assistant’s time.

Best way to do this? 

Create a training manual with recorded videos of your workflows and processes. 

3. You must plan the work for them. The VA service won’t do this for you

Don’t just expect a virtual assistant to come in and revolutionize your working process on their own. 

There are some gems out there, virtual assistants who can take a look at your workflows and streamline them perfectly. But it’s your business and at the end of the day, you are their boss so you need to plan the work for them.

4. Be Prepared to train them on your ways of working

Be prepared to explain everything to your new team members in detail, at length, and possibly several times, until they are up-to-speed. It’s important to walk them through the project. Again, make it easy for them to succeed by focusing on the process instead of the deliverables. This will help ensure they can focus their energy on doing what they do best instead of being bogged down by process intricacies.

The most capable person in the world can’t just pick up the threads right away. So make sure to have a training manual and be prepared to also do some live training. 

5. You HAVE to be clear about your requirements so the VA service can find you the right person

Not just in the job description – be clear on it for yourself. This will save time when writing the job description, and make sure that you don’t have to keep renegotiating what exactly the virtual assistant is going to do for you. 

If you have clear expectations, to begin with, it’s easier for people to figure out if they can help you or whether they’d be wasting your time and their own. Set clear responsibilities and KPIs for the virtual assistant so that the virtual assistant service knows who to pair you with. 

6. It’s bad to hire on impulse or in a hurry

It’s a big, resounding NO to contact a virtual assistant service Australia provider in a rush. You’ll need to do your research before you choose a VA service. First, look at the background of the company and see if they meet your needs. Next, read customer reviews. Do a quick Google search for a few sentences from their job posting and see what others say about them. 

There’s a better chance of finding the right person if you prepare first, know what you’re looking for, and don’t have to settle for the first applicant. Hire slightly before you are ready to give yourself and the VA time to adjust and learn your processes. 

If you’re new to the VA world, here’s a quick rundown of the 7 Reasons To Outsource Basic Admin Tasks to a VA to get the most out of your decision-making.

7. The virtual assistant service Australia will do the heavy lifting

You tell them what you want and they do all of the interviews and find you the perfect applicant. Then you get paired with your VA and can get to work. The virtual assistant service will also make sure your VA is up to standard and perform performance reviews to make sure your VA is constantly up to scratch. And if you are unhappy, they will find you a new VA, the benefits of using a virtual assistant service in Australia are huge compared to finding your own VA. 

We hope you enjoyed our blog post. There are a lot of companies that provide virtual assistant services in Australia, and it can be hard to know which company to trust. We’ve provided 7 things you should know before hiring a virtual assistant in Australia to make the right decision. We hope you consider these points and consider using Level Up Outsourcing as your virtual assistant service of choice. Now that you’ve read our blog post, please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing at hello@levelupoutsourcing.com. Thank you for reading, we would love to hear from you!

7 Things to Know BEFORE You Hire a Virtual Assistant Service Australia

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