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How to Build Business Systems to Scale to 5k Months

Business systems are the key to growth. They put you in a position to scale your business and free you from having to do every little thing yourself. This frees you up to focus more on what’s important, like finding new customers and developing new products. Don’t worry, you are not alone in this journey. We are going to show you how to build business systems in this article. Check on the list below to learn more!

How to Build Business Systems to Scale to 5k Months

Top Systems to Scale Up Your Business

Having your Google Drive Set Up Properly

Sort out and organize your files and folders in one Google Drive. Make separate folders for your courses, assets, marketing, calendar, website, and many more. Programs, sales, scripts, and coaching for calls 

On each main folder, there is a subfolder. Every time you get deeper into the folders, more details are revealed. Update it as well in your project management system to unify your files. The hiring process and other steps to get started on how to build business systems that can scale your income gradually.  

Communication with Your Team and with Your Clients

Seamless communication with your team and client just like Slack. It’s faster to talk to people in one channel which can improve client happiness. Add your virtual assistant and client so you can discuss projects and streamline your plans and ideas easily.

When you can communicate effectively, you both know where you are heading on how to build business systems the right way. It saves a lot of time and stress that successful empowerment to your business. 

Project Management System

This is an important thing for you on how to build business systems. Set up tasks out of your head so you will not miss out on important facts about this matter. This will deliberate the tasks for a virtual assistant if you organize everything using your project management system. 

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to marketing. What works for one business won’t for another, so your marketing systems need to track the channels you use. Once you start tracking your channels, you can see what works and what doesn’t. Again, you need to check these regularly.

Social Media Content

Have them in one place and create a monthly overview to brainstorm different ideas that you can talk about weekly. That is why hiring a Filipino Virtual Assistant will make content creation faster. 

They know they need to discuss the business regularly to stay on top of what is happening. Also, VAs need time to review how things are going and reflect on strategy each week.  They know they need to be aware that the business is made up of many interdependent parts, and each part needs to be taken care of if the whole is going to thrive.

Client Onboarding

We have a sales funnel for each client where we specify different categories so we can see things easily. There’s an automated email sent to the client based on the status they are currently at. Create a referral program and other details from your client to make the onboarding process to get it right. Use Zapier as your tool to get notified and email regarding the progress between your clients and projects.

If you provide this, you will guarantee your client’s loyalty. Most businesses take shortcuts and focus on the sale. Everything after that is an afterthought. You are different because you make it a core focus.

The sooner you start, the better! Together with Level Up Outsourcing, you will implement ways to build business systems that can impact your business positively. So if you need help figuring out how to work on these systems, email us at hello@levelupoutsourcing.com. This is an irreplaceable massive opportunity for you! 

How to Build Business Systems to Scale to 5k Months

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CEO Taylor
Taylor Victoria
CEO and Co-Founder