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Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Photographers

If you’re a photographer, you know all too well that running a business is hard work. You have to market, shoot, create, edit, print, and do it again the next day. But there are businesses out there that can help you to focus on what you do best. Here are the reasons why you should consider the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant.

Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Photographers

1. They can help with your time-consuming admin tasks 

Hiring a virtual assistant is great for any photographer. Most people who work for themselves need some level of help with their admin tasks, whether that’s managing their website or social media accounts or just arranging things. Virtual assistants are great because you can get all the advantages of having someone to manage your admin, without having to hire someone who comes into your office every day. 

For a photographer, hiring a virtual assistant will help with email management, calendar bookings, invoicing, contracts, and a lot more which can save you 2-3 hours per day. 

2. If you’re hiring a virtual assistant with experience in the Adobe Suite, they can help with client work

A pre-trained virtual assistant will be able to help with client work if they are trained in Adobe.But it’s crucial to set standards for the typical work that you produce in your photography business. Whether that’s your videos or your photo editing, if you create a high-quality checklist or standards document with your expectations around what you need from them and what they should be producing, it means they will produce higher-quality work. You won’t need to take as much time and energy to edit and check this for each project before sending it through, they will be able to follow exactly what you do and that is the perk of hiring a virtual assistant.

3. They can help with extra marketing activities that you don’t have time to do

Virtual assistants are great for helping with extra marketing activities for your photography business that you don’t have time to do yourself. They can help with running Facebook ads, putting together ideas for blog posts, creating sales copy, creating video content, creating slide decks, etc. Get a glimpse of what you can do once you hire a social media manager.

Hiring a virtual assistant can help you market your photography business, build your brand, and take on tasks that you need to do yourself but don’t have time for. Hiring a VA can help to create a strong marketing strategy. If you’re looking for one, we recommend finding one (by using Level Up Outsourcing) who has experience working with small businesses, as you’ll find they usually have the skills and knowledge needed to help take your marketing to the next level.

4. They can help you offer new services that are on a retainer basis, not just project work

Hiring a virtual assistant with different areas of expertise can be a great strategy for your business. You could, for example, turn into a photography/videography agency instead of just being a photographer. This means you would offer a wider range of services to your customers at a lower cost. You can start to offer things such as social media management, copywriting, web management, etc. This strategy can increase your business revenue and customer base significantly.

5. Setting up systems and the backend of your business

You’ve been busy shooting for clients, but you haven’t had much time to work on your business. Hiring a virtual assistant (VA) can help you document everything in your business. For example, setting up systems like converting your receipts into invoices, updating your client contacts, scheduling calls & meetings, etc. Documenting everything can make it much easier to bring on new clients because you’ll have everything ready to go. A VA can also be a great resource for remembering tasks that you need to tend to. 

We hope you enjoyed our article about the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for photographers! Many benefits come with hiring a virtual assistant for your business and we hope that answers your question about whether you should hire a virtual assistant or not.

We know that many photographers have a tough time finding the time to manage their business admin and their social media pages, so it can be difficult to grow their brand. If you are in the same boat, we recommend you reach out to Level Up Outsourcing about hiring a virtual assistant to help you with your photography business. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at hello@levelupoutsourcing.com. Thank you for reading, we would love to hear from you!

Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Photographers

Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Photographers
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